Wonders & Blunders


In your mind picture the person you are the most fond of. Now picture them walking along a sidewalk on a sunny day. The backdrop of the blue sky highlighting their form. Consider the curves of their face. Think of their smile and how it sparks your heart. Move through your thoughts on why you love this person. Can you hear their voice in your head? Is there something they say to… Read More

I learn so much from our children about how to be a great human. Knowing them changes my life on a daily basis. Here is one instance that happened with our daughter. This past June my daughter and I had some conflict. She had taken a nail file and decided to do some home renovations in our bathroom. When I attempted to redirect her she didn’t respond positively to me. Every part… Read More

It’s there lurking in your pocket, purse or hand. You never leave home without it. It’s always close. You let it inside of your most valuable moments. You take it to the bathroom. It’s there when you brush your hair. You place it next to your bed as you sleep or, make love. You take it on dates. Dinners for two are now dinners for four. It’s near to you when you… Read More

There is no distance I cannot travel with your waves beneath my feet. Your spirit carries me across the mountains, prairies, and the seas. I stand upon the ocean, and I stare into it’s depths. I see the whale you have created majestic and immense. You are the very notes upon these waters. Jesus, you are the sound. The rhythm of your water laps continually upon this ground. I hear you. I… Read More